John 4:23

A time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks

What does worship at crossroads look like?

A worship service at Crossroads will consist of singing songs (mostly contemporary, but hymns are occasionally included), Scripture reading, prayer and preaching from God's Word.  It is our conviction that corporate worship should bring all of God’s people together in worship regardless of differences in age, worship style preferences, church background, etc. Therefore, our worship emphasizes what believers have in common rather than what makes them different.

We are committed to reminding our people that worship is all about Him, not us. We encourage people to come into corporate worship with the attitude of what they can bring to worship rather than what they can get out of worship.  Worship at Crossroads is designed to focus on who God is and sing to Him because of His character.

The worship team is a collection of people who have a heart for working together to create an atmosphere that invites people to come before the Lord bringing praises.  It is our desire not to be a distraction but rather an encouragement to the people of the church to worship in response to God's character and what He has done. If you’re interested in joining this team as a musician, vocalist, computer tech or sound tech simply email us here.

  • For those currently serving on the worship team, stay up-to-date with information through the worship team group on PCO.

Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to your name give glory, for the sake of your steadfast love and your faithfulness!
— Pslam 115:1