Serving is a vital aspect to the life of every believer.
We’re called to serve. Actually, we’re commanded to serve. God has entrusted every believer with gifts, skills, and abilities to help further His kingdom. We want to partner and help equip our church family to find meaningful ways to serve and make the most significant impact on the lives of those in our community and the church!
Below, you'll find several ways to start serving at Crossroads! This isn’t an exhaustive list of places you can serve at Crossroads, but it gives you a good sense of some of our immediate places to serve.
Next Gen Ministries
Children / Youth Ministry - The Next Gen team is looking for people who love God, love people, and are eager to come alongside kids and teens to point the next generation to Jesus! We have openings to serve in every area of Next Gen (Early Childhood, Pre-K, and Kindergarten, 1st-4th grade Crossroads Kids, Fuse Preteens, Access Ministry, and Dive Student Ministry).
Building & Grounds Team
The Building & Grounds Team is looking for individuals/families who would lock up the church one Sunday a month after 3rd Service. This is a great opportunity for families to do simple serving together!
Worship Team
The Worship Team creates space through song, scripture, and technology for others to respond to God in worship. If you have a heart for leading others in worship, whether on the platform or behind the scenes, we invite you to consider serving with us!
Global Outreach Team
The Global Outreach Team interacts with and supports Crossroads' missionaries, whose ministries are interesting and varied. Serving on this team is an opportunity to learn of God's work globally and to make our missionaries and their ministries familiar to the congregation.
Communion Team
This team prepares and sets out the communion elements before Sunday morning. Team members then replenish the elements between each service and clean up following our last service. It’s a great way to serve our church family from behind the scenes!
First Impressions Team-
This team, composed of Greeters, Ushers, and Welcome Center Team Members, serves on our “front porch” each Sunday, warmly greeting and serving our church family and those visiting Crossroads for the first time! They are the first expressions of Christ on Sundays at our exterior doors. Our Greeters hand out welcomes and smiles! Our Ushers welcome everyone who enters our worship center on Sunday and help members and guests locate a seat. Our Welcome Center Team Members answer questions and help folks find classes and meetings. They help with our lost and found and help direct people to various church resources. Connection Hosts help new families get acquainted with Crossroads and feel at home! Regardless of how they serve, all team members are here to serve and act as a resource to our church family and guests.
Hospitality Team
The Hospitality Team works to provide food for church functions as well as hosting funerals. People on this team can donate food items and/or serve food at these various events.
Livestream & Media Teams
Would you rather be behind the camera than in front of it? The livestream & media teams use the art forms videography and photography to capture stories of God’s faithfulness in our church body.
Other Ministry Teams that have various serving opportunities throughout the year:
Seasoned Saints - an adult ministry for those over 55.
Men of Crossroads and Women’s Ministries - adult ministries specific for men and women.
Blueprint21 - a young adult ministry (18-28).
Faith Community Nursing - bringing health and God’s ministry together
Community Group - member, facilitator, or host
Interested in serving in our community?
Crossroads intentionally engages in our community through Love Reach projects each year with six of our community partners!
Learn more about Love Reach and how you can join in!