Other people might hear my story and relate and so I just want to tell it. And if I don’t tell people, where’s God’s glory?
— Elizabeth

To watch any of the videos, simply click on the image.

A Light in the Valley

Marjie shares about her personal journey with cancer and being ready for whatever the Lord has for her.


Connecting with Christ:

Kat’s Story

Kat shares how she was connected to Christ through various people’s willingness to follow the Holy Spirit’s leading.

Heather’s Journey

Heather shared her testimony at one of our women’s events and we wanted those who weren’t able to attend the event be encouraged by her story too.

Faithfulness in Life & Death

“We don’t totally know Gidien’s purpose on earth, but the love he showed… we want to use that to share of the hope and peace we have in Christ.” - Justin

Shannon’s Blessing

Hear about Shannon’s experience being part of the Crossroads Community and how she has been blessed in serving.

Disciples Making Disciples- Women’s Ministry

Hear these short stories from women who shared about their experience in making disciples through our Women’s More Mentoring Program.

Michael & Elizabeth Rediscovering Church

Watch this full length video of Michael and Elizabeth sharing their testimonies and how God brought them to rediscover church.

join us in celebrating baptism testimonies!