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Welcome to our digital bulletin!

WE’RE SO GLAD YOU’RE HERE!  Thanks for joining us today!  We don’t want to miss the opportunity of connecting with you.  So, whether you are visiting for the first time or are a regular attendee, please take a moment to fill out our digital Connection Card.

If you would like to give toward the ministries of Crossroads Church, please click here!                                               

Looking for more information?  If you’d like to learn more about Crossroads we’d encourage you to check out our website for more information about our ministry or contact us with your questions! We’d love to connect with you and help answer any questions you might have!

Here’s the information you need to know
about for Sunday, may 19, 2024!

spotlight on global outreach

Nubako and Claudine Selenga are ReachGlobal missionaries in the Democratic Republic of the Congo in Africa. Nubako is the leader of the Kinshasa City Team, which provides job training, spiritual support, and assists local churches in reaching their local communities. Tabitha Centers, led by Claudine, ministers to at-risk women and girls providing job training and education, while introducing them to Jesus through Bible studies.

The Selengas are involved with Follow Me, a ministry teaching trade skills to needy boys and young men, Kids Action Network which teaches the Gospel to young children through Bible storytelling, and Rise Up, an outreach to Congolese people with disabilities who are often discriminated against in their communities.

The Selengas are praying for God’s continued provision to allow further development of these ministries to reach the Congolese people with the good news of the Gospel.

We will hear more of the Selengas next week. In the meantime, be praying for them and all our missionaries—the convenient flip booklet as a guide is available at the missions kiosk.



· Summer Blast 2024 is just a few short weeks away, and we could use your help!  We’re looking for volunteers to help provide snacks for our 140 campers and food items to feed 70 volunteers.  If you want to learn more and sign up to provide one of our needed items, click here!

· The Journey at Crossroads Target Group class begins this morning in Room 105/107 at 11:15 am.  Join us for this 4-week class as you discover how God has uniquely wired and gifted you to be vital to what He is doing in our midst.  You’re welcome to attend class this morning even if you didn’t register! 

· Dive Summer Bible Study for 7th-12th grade students begins June 12th.  We’ll be studying the book of Jonah, eating breakfast, and connecting with friends.  To join, register on the website or church app.  Stay tuned to the Dive weekly update and social media pages for any event updates.

· Pray for your fellow Crossroaders!  We covet your prayers for the Hungary Missions Team and the Dive youth and leaders heading to the Challenge Conference later this summer!  We’ve provided a list of names for both teams, which you can easily access via this past Friday’s edition of The Weekly Update.  Are you not receiving The Weekly Update each week?  Go to the church website (, fill out the pop-up form, or mark it on your Connection Card this morning!  *Did you sign up to receive the Weekly Update but do not see it in your inbox?  Make sure to check your spam or junk box.

· Ministry Opportunities are coming in June.  Mark your calendars for two new opportunities to engage your faith during June.  First, the Seasoned Saints Ministry (for those over age 55) will be hosting a Dessert and Movie Event on June 21st.  Registration for this event begins in a few weeks.  Second, our Kids Hope Ministry will use the month of June to promote and encourage our church family to become mentors for the 2024-2025 school year!  We currently have 28 mentors meeting weekly for one hour with one child at Jefferson Elementary School.  It’s a way to make a significant impact on the life of a child!  Tune in on June 2nd as Kids Hope is promoted, and you will have an opportunity to speak with our current mentors!

· SAVE THE DATE! On Sunday, August 4th, our church family will gather at River Park Square for a giant cookout! Due to our overall size, there aren’t many times when the entire church is in the same place at the same time, so you won’t want to miss this event! We’ll share more details as we draw closer, but for now, get the evening of August 4th on your calendar so you don’t miss it! 

thank you for helping us pound out hunger!

A massive shout-out to our church family for supporting our annual Community-Wide Food Drive yesterday!  Your willingness to jump in to provide food donations, collect from Kroger, and help sort and shelve food at the Neighborhood Center was HUGE!  The Community    Outreach Team thanks you for helping feed local families in our community.  We’re eagerly looking forward to sharing our total ‘pounds’ next Sunday and celebrating what God has done!  We also want to thank the volunteers who had signed up to serve at Walmart.          Unfortunately, Walmart corporate pulled the plug on us at the last minute due to unforeseen circumstances we had no control over.  We’re hopeful we can return there next year!