We’re often asked what someone has to do to get the most out of their Community Group experience.

We believe there are three, simple, easy-to-remember things that will help you get the most out of your Community Group experience.


The Goal of the Community Group: To provide everyone in the group the opportunity to pursue authentic community and spiritual growth.

Your Role: Show Up. Join In. Be Real.


Make a commitment to be at group meetings. You can’t form community with other people if you aren’t around enough for them to get to know you.


Take part in group discussions. Listen to what others have to say. be willing to share your thoughts. Be part of the community.


Let the people in your group know who you are. Be authentic and transparent. be open to the possibility that you can form deep relationships in which you can comfortably share life together.

and Finally…


you need to give it time…

as you engage with others in your community group, allow god time to work. Community usually doesn’t happen overnight. as you do your part, allow god to do his part as he draws the hearts and lives of those in your group into community!